Thursday, July 22, 2021

What are the important yogasanas to do to lose weight ..? HEALTH ARTICLE

What are the important yogasanas to do to lose weight ..?
 If you do not have any problems in the neck area you can do sarvangasana

Is it possible to lose weight by practicing yoga?  May be the question that arises in you.  This is because it is still a trend to lose weight by doing 108 sun salutation exercises.  But, should everyone sunbathe to lose weight?  If so, no.  The benefit of doing pranayama is also available while doing pakshitrika.  Stomach cramps are a common problem for many people.  There are many reasons for this.  Excess cortisol, increased congestion of lymphoid tissues, decreased diversity in intestinal microbiota, and poor hormonal functions may also be symptoms of bloating.  If you feel tired even doing strenuous exercises, try the 5 yoga tips given here.  Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness


You can do Sarvangasana if you do not have uterine spondylosis or any problem in the neck area.  Lie flat on the mat and extend your arms over your head.  Then slowly raise the legs and hips upwards.  Sit with elbows on the floor and support the body.  Bring all body weight to the shoulder.  At the same time breathing should be regular.  Come back from this position for about two minutes.  It is enough to do this asana only once a day.  Helps to keep the digestive tract, lymphatic and nervous system in balance.  This asana creates peace of mind and also helps in weight loss.  Should be done according to proper advice.


Sit with your legs wide on the carpet, stretch to the side, inhale and then slowly bend over as you exhale and touch the left leg with the right hand.  Now, the left handrail should be high.  This is the triangular position.  Then return to normal and touch the right leg with the left hand.  Now, the right arm should be raised to the sky.  You have to touch the feet with your hands alternately like this.  This should be done alternately on both sides three to three times.  Doing this asana properly will reduce belly fat.  The hip area gets a beautiful design.


This is one of the simplest exercises that can reduce belly fat and belly fat.  Sit with legs extended forward on the floor.  Then, with both arms outstretched, lie down with your legs together in a sitting position.  Reduces tightness of abdominal muscles and improves digestion.  In particular, the best exercise to help reduce belly fat.

 Khadi Chakrasana:

Stand with both feet two feet apart.  Inhale and raise your arms to the side.  Exhale and turn the body to the left.  Place the right hand on the left shoulder.  The left arm should be about the hips around the back of the body. Hold the breath for two seconds and then slowly return to the starting position.  Repeat the next page in a similar manner.  This exercise will dissolve the fat in the hips and back and reduce the belly.  It also relieves tightness in the abdomen.


The abdomen and face should lie flat on the floor.  Bend the body like a bow and hold both legs with your hands.  The chest area expands.  Return from that position to normal as much as you can.  Pains in the back are OK.  Tanurasana, an excellent exercise for the liver and pancreas, relieves digestive problems and balances hormones.  Regulates respiratory problems.

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