Tuesday, July 13, 2021

What are the medicinal uses of drumstick tree? - FOOD ARTICLE

‘‘ Drumstick is the national crop of India.  Its leaves are rich in nutrients and medicinal properties.  The Cuban people must use the drum, "Cuban President Fidel Castro told his people a few years ago.

 Fidel Castro

Cuba is a world leader in natural agriculture.  Today we will set up
They are also the forerunner of home gardening.  But a few years ago, the Cuban government announced that it would grow a drumstick tree for the home.  Former President Fidel Castro has been cultivating drumsticks in his home garden in Havana.  Castro also worked daily maintaining the drumstick tree.  The important incident behind the drum he loved is due.

 Drumstick tree

 The largest earthquake in 2010 was on the island of Haiti, a country adjacent to Cuba.  Millions of people were affected.  After hearing this information, Fidel Castro sent doctors and volunteers to Cuba to help.  People who went to help immediately sent a message ... "More people have died in the earthquake here. And cholera is spreading fast."
 Upon hearing this information, Fidel Castro called the Cuban medical chief and other important officials.  What can the people of the island of Haiti do to recover from cholera?  He discussed in the meeting what is the solution to this disease and what medicine can be given.

 Dr. Kemba Herco, of the Finlay Institute of Medical Research, who attended the meeting, said that "there is a substance that can give immunity to the people of the island of Haiti."
 "Tell me where the drug is and how to buy it," Fidel asked.  "Drumstick leaves in India have immunity and the ability to give rapid energy," said Dr. Kemba Herco.
Castro's eyebrows began to widen as soon as he heard the name India.  Because he has always had a personal affection for India.  Dr. Kemba Herco was also interested in the Indian drum.  The reason was that they had benefited from doing yoga for many years.  Thus, over India, they had extra love.  However, Fidel Castro was not president of Cuba at the time.  What if there is no power?  The mind is enough to help.  Immediately, Castro sent Dr. Kemba Herco to India.

 Drumstick spinach

 This doctor first came to Tamil Nadu.  Gathered more information on drumstick cultivation and medical use.  He then toured Andhra Pradesh and Kerala to gather information about the drum.  He also took Indian drumsticks with him on his way to Cuba.  He has also been importing and giving drumstick greens to the people of Haiti Island and to the people affected by the disease.  Cholera also came under control.  He has also told the people of the island to grow Indian drumsticks and eat lettuce.

 The drumsticks that the doctor took were the ones that started Castro's home garden and are growing all over Cuba.  Fidel Castro, a 90-year-old man, praised the Indian drumsticks for "my health and agility."

 The leaves, flowers and pods of the drumstick tree, why even its resin are all medicinal!
 No one can forget the 'drumstick' so quickly, especially the people of Tamil Nadu.  The reason is that the image created by Bhagyaraj is like that.  But it does have some truth to it.  There is 'Power' in the drum coil.  Not only this, with the help of fire you can do welding.

 Growing a drum at home will not detract from the health of the family.  Thus the Siddhars called the drum as Karpagat Daru.
 Drumsticks contain vitamins, amino acids and mineral salts.  The fruit and leaves are rich in vitamin C.  Moringazine, Moringinin, Pernol, Indole acetic acid, Dercos, Permine, Carotene, Curcidine are found.
 Drumstick leaves are high in iron and can cure anemia.  If you cook and eat drumstick spinach, your body will get stronger.  The blood is cleansed.  People with slim body will get sick twice a week if they eat drumsticks.

 Drumstick flower

 The juice of the leaf will cure hiccups.  Cooked leaves are nutritious.  Flu fever and runny nose.  For eye diseases honey mixed with juice is applied on the eyelid.  Leaf glue builds up for tuber swelling.
 Drumsticks are the best remedy for weight loss in women.  Soaking breast milk.  Twice a week, women should include spinach in their diet.
Heals stomach ulcers.  Eliminates indigestion and relieves constipation.  Separates and expels unwanted water mixed in the blood.  Going for waterlogging, waterlogging, etc.
 Relieves body heat and thus reduces eyesight and strengthens the optic nerves.  Reducing bile.  Going young.  Makes the skin glow.

 Has the ability to change the taste of the tongue.  Boil the drumstick flower in milk and filter the milk to cool the eyes.  Decreased bile.  Rheumatism, bile, bile activity is smooth.
 Dry and powder the drumstick flower in the shade and make herbal tea in the morning and mix it with jaggery to strengthen the body and rejuvenate the nerves.
Grind the drumstick flower, mix it with milk, boil it and drink it with money and drink it both in the morning and in the evening to increase memory.  If you dry and powder the drumstick flower in the shade and drink the infusion daily in the morning and evening, the bile in the body will decrease and the body condition will improve.  Infusion of drumstick flower and taken twice a week will cure nervousness.
Frequent inclusion of drumstick flower in the diet will eliminate the effects of diabetes.  Grind the drumstick flower, boil it in milk, mix it with cash and drink it for 48 days, ie a zone.  This can be called the Viagra of nature.  Similarly, if you mix the powder of drumstick flower with honey and eat a zone, the manhood will increase. The diluted semen will harden.

 drum stick

 For women, whitening is cured and the uterus is strengthened.  Flowers stimulate urination.  Increasing the secretion of bile.
If you take drumstick pinch and chop it lightly and fry it in ghee, all the diseases related to blood will be removed.  Increases the number of red blood cells.  It is high in calcium which nourishes the bones.  Strengthens the bone marrow and produces more blood.  Stimulates the power of masculinity.

Everyone's favorite drumstick is high in nutrients.  Can enhance the taste of food.  Relieves constipation.  Heals stomach ulcers.  Is the best medicine for hemorrhoids.  Relieves colds.  The pods work against fever and stomach worms.

Drumsticks can cure asthma, inflammation of the liver and pancreas.  The infusion of the root cures sore throat and sore throat.

 Drumstick seed

Adding peanut oil in equal proportions with drumstick seed oil cures joint pain.  In addition to good oil, it is given for earache.
 If you take mature drumstick seeds, dry them, mix them with ghee, powdered milk and eat them, your manhood will increase.  The number of sperm will increase.  The nerves will be strengthened and the body will be strengthened.  Relieves body heat.

Some people throw drumsticks in the trash while cooking.  But this comb also has more medicinal properties.  Finely chop the drumstick leaves, add curry leaves, cumin, shallots, garlic, anise and pepper to the soup and drink it to strengthen the nerves.  The water on the head will come out.  Dry cough will go away.  It can give good physical strength to both the boys.


 Decomposing the drumstick and adding a little salt to the swelling will reduce the swelling.  Molasses is mixed with the juice of the bark and taken as a medicine for headaches.
 Boil milk with root juice and drink it in moderation to get rid of hiccups, stomach and back pain.  Drumstick resin multiplies sperm.  Clears urine.

Oranges contain 7 times more vitamin C than milk. They contain 4 times more calcium.  Contains 4 times as much vitamin A as carrots.  Contains 3 times as much potassium as bananas.  Contains 2 times more protein than yogurt.  Iron is abundant.  75 times more iron than any other spinach.

 If you cook and eat drumsticks two days a week, you will not have to go to the hospital for the rest of your life.
You can add drumsticks two days a week to boost your immune system now!
 Our drum is the most cost effective!
 Only people with kidney disease should not take this spice without the advice of a doctor!

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