Sunday, July 11, 2021

What are the benefits of eating fish ..? - FOOD ARTICLE

Eating fish every day instead of meat dishes like chicken and mutton can help you escape from cholesterol, the biggest enemy of heart health.

 Fish contains many nutrients such as protein, vitamin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and magnesium.  Fish will be a staple in the diet of people living in Bengal, Assam and coastal areas of the country.  We may have seen at times that they love fish dishes so much, and not even made fun of them.  But it is true that fish is one of the healthiest foods.  Eating fish is important.

 Whether it is a big fish like rahu or petki, or a small fish like mackerel and herring.  There is no change in the fact that each type of fish has its own unique taste.  The fish tastes great whether it is fried, steamed or eaten in a mess.  The fish is very easy to cook.  Because its fleshy parts cook quickly. We will see here about the many benefits of eating fish every day.

 Rich in good fats: Unlike other foods, fatty fish such as salmon, trout, herring, tuna and mackerel are actually good for your health.  Mainly due to the presence of omega 3 fatty acids it helps to keep the body weight even.  These fatty acids are important for brain and eye health. Good for the heart: Eating fish daily can help prevent problems with the blood vessels and heart.  Eating fish every day instead of meat dishes like chicken and mutton can help you escape from cholesterol, the biggest enemy of heart health.

 Fish is very good for your heart health as it does not contain saturated fats. Vitamin D Rich: Vitamin D is available by eating fish.  Also, the bones and teeth are strong.  Vitamin D helps our body absorb all kinds of nutrients.  And maintains overall health.  So include some type of fish in your daily diet.  Helps to reduce depression: Some people experience depression for no apparent reason, then eating fish reduces depression and improves mental health.

 From omega-3 fatty acids and DHA to vitamin D, all components of fish can help prevent mental health problems.  Fish is a natural anti-depressant, which helps prevent depression and mood swings. Reduces bad fats: Fish is high in omega 3 fatty acids which help in reducing the bad fats in our body.  So it ensures the health of your body.

 Controlling Diabetes:

 If you eat fish regularly, the risk of diseases like diabetes and rheumatism will be less.  Rheumatoid arthritis is usually caused by chronic inflammation of the joints.  To reduce the swelling and pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, fish should be included in the diet in large quantities.  Fish are the only source of many important nutrients.  It maintains a healthy balance in your body.  In addition to these benefits, eating fish can increase your metabolism, quality of sleep, skin quality, and reduce inflammation.  Thus it is one of the best eating habits to include fish in our diet daily which can bring many benefits to our body.

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